

After posting this game on reddit, I got a lot of great feedback on how to improve the game. I was able to implement most of the suggested features and tweaks. It took a while but now the game actually feels a lot better, and is exponentially more fun. Thank you for the great feedback. This was supposed to be a quick 1-2 day prototype, but now a week later, I am still enjoying opening it up, tweaking it and adding features! So thank you to anyone who has played the game!


  1.  First I increased the screen height, to make a more square screen. So now instead of 16:9, it is 3:4 which gives the player more time to react to enemies above and below.
  2.  I also zoomed out the screen quite a lot just to give more play space.
  3.  Next changed where enemies spawn. They used to spawn outside the screen but now they spawn on screen between a min and max distance from the player. They have a nice light burst effect when they spawn in which looks a lot better than just popping into existence.
  4. It was also suggested that I increase the level length or make it so the store opens manually which I totally agree with. I used to have the level abruptly end after 10 seconds, killing all the enemies and powerups on screen and then automatically opens the store. which is jarring and annoying, especially if there was a powerup on screen the player was trying to get. Now after a wave ends, the level increases, and it starts spawning in the new enemies. I then just added a button at the bottom right to open the store at anytime. I think this makes a lot more sense and has greatly decreased the "annoyance level" of the game hahaha.
  5. Next I revamped the UI. Before it was just some text at the top that displayed your stats and some icons on the bottom displaying your current powerups. No background or anything, Now I added a nice border, with "text boxes" surrounding the text. I am not much of an artist so it still doesn't look great, but it definitely looks a lot better than it did.
  6. Lastly I added some music by Kevin MacLeod to make the game a bit more enjoyable to play. I do however plan on replacing it with a custom track in the future.

New Features

  1. I added reload speed to the store. Your reload start's fairly quick (0.5 seconds) which is not really a problem until later levels, when enemies start spawning quicker. Then you really start to feel the delay in reload. So this allows the player do decrease the reload time by 0.1s with each level.
  2. Next I added projectile speed, so with each level, you can increase the velocity of your projectiles. In the first version of this game, that upgrade wouldn't have really made any sense because all the enemies flew directly towards you, so you couldn't really miss. But now it definitely comes in handy which I will get to in a minute!
  1. Multiple enemy types! This is something the game really needed. Currently they only differentiating thing between the enemies are their flight patterns but I hope to add more features in the future, like maybe enemies that split when they die. Currently there are 4 enemy types. I introduce them 1 at a time. So on the first wave, you only see 1 type, on the second wave, you see 2, etc. These are the enemy types in order of appearance: 
    1. Orbit - orbits the player, then after 5 seconds turns into the dive enemy (original enemy type) and dives towards the player
    2. Spiral - Spirals towards the player
    3. Straight - Will move across the screen in a straight line
    4. Dive - Original enemy. Dives directly towards the player


Since I don't have any artistic ability, everything is still just circles, so the visual differentiation between the enemies is just their color for now. Hopefully in the future, I will be able to get some actual art in the game. I don't know what style/theme would fit the game though. I kind of like the abstract nature of the game. I guess having a more grounded theme would definitely help in coming up with enemy types, which would be nice. I am having a lot of fun making this simple little game, and I hope to get it to the point where I feel it is ready for the app store. Until then I guess I will keep on chipping away at it. Thank you for reading!

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